
Ticket King features a comprehensive general configuration system with all types of advanced settings. Here, you can fine-tune every aspect of the bot to suit your server's specific needs, ensuring an optimal and tailored experience for all users. (Web > Dashboard > Server > Settings)

Opened Tickets Channel

Here, the record of opened tickets will be sent, along with essential details such as the ticket owner and ticket names. This allows for efficient tracking and management of all support requests, ensuring that each ticket is handled promptly and effectively.

Closed Tickets Channel

Here, the record of closed tickets will be sent, along with essential details such as the ticket owner's name, the ticket name, the user who closed the ticket, the reason it was closed, the opening and closing times, and the transcript. This comprehensive log ensures that all support interactions are fully documented, facilitating accountability and future reference.

Main Ticket Roles

This section is extremely important. You will be assigned the role responsible for managing tickets, which includes closing, modifying, and adding users to tickets. Ensuring the correct role is designated for these tasks is crucial for maintaining an organized and efficient ticketing system, as it centralizes control and enhances the management of support requests.

If you want more privacy and wish to assign a different role to each button or menu, you can visit the Premium Options page. This feature allows for higher customization and control, ensuring that only designated roles have access to specific functions and enhancing the overall security and management of your server's ticketing system.

Main ticket Categories

Choose a general category where all tickets will be opened. This helps to organize and streamline ticket management by grouping all incoming requests under a unified category. It ensures that tickets are easily searchable and manageable, improving overall efficiency in handling support requests.

If you want to have more privacy and assign a different category to each button or menu, you can visit the Premium Options page. This allows for a higher level of customization, enabling you to tailor the ticketing system to specific needs and preferences. By categorizing buttons and menus individually, you can better manage access and streamline the support process, ensuring that the appropriate roles or departments handle each category.

Max ticket Per User

Here, you can simultaneously control the number of tickets a user can have on your server. This setting helps manage and limit each user's workload, ensuring that no individual has too many open tickets at once. By setting this limit, you can maintain a balanced distribution of support requests and ensure that each ticket is handled promptly and efficiently.

Last updated