
Panel not sending

Sometimes some issues prevent Ticket King from sending your panel to discord. Below, you can look through the troubleshooting steps for various parts of the panel creating & editing experience.

Not sending from the /panel command

Ensure that Ticket King has the correct permissions on your server. Ticket King requires the following permissions:

  • Send Messages (Required to respond to commands and create tickets)

  • Read Messages (Required to create and send transcripts)

  • Read Message History (Required to create and send transcripts)

  • Manage Channels (Required to create and delete tickets)

  • Embed Links (Required for features for the panel creation)

It is necessary to elevate the bot's role as high as you deem possible. We do not consider it strictly necessary, but if you want to avoid many issues such as permissions, we recommend assigning the bot the ADMINISTRATOR permission.

Not sending from the Web Dashboard

If you are having trouble sending a panel from the Web Dashboard, ensure you have filled in all required fields. All required fields are highlighted in red if they have not been provided.

Discord Support -> Support

Last updated