Create a Panel

To get started with Ticket King, we provide you with two practical methods for creating a ticket panel on your server.


  • Use the /panel command in the server and channel where you want Ticket King to send a default panel.

Example of use

Editing a Panel

To create a more customized panel, you can do so from the Ticket King website by following this link:

  1. Go to the Ticket King website and, in the top right section, log in with your Discord account.

  2. With the bot already added to your server, access the dashboard, select the server where you want to customize your panels, and go to the Panels section.

  3. You will find a list of all the panels created on your server. If you do not have any panels created yet, you can create one from the website.

Remember that the bot role must be positioned above the ticket management roles.

Last updated