
Panel Not Sending

Sometimes some issues prevent Ticket King from sending your panel to discord. Below, you can look through the troubleshooting steps for various parts of the panel creating & editing experience.

Not Sending from the /panel Command

Ensure that Ticket King has the correct permissions on your server. Ticket King requires the following permissions: Manage Channels, Embed Links & Send Messages.

Not Sending from the Web Dashboard

  • If you are having trouble sending a panel from the Web Dashboard, ensure you have filled in all required fields. All required fields are highlighted in red if they have not been provided.

If neither of the above solutions resolves the issue, make sure that Ticket King has the correct permissions in the channel you are using the command. Try setting channel overrides for Ticket King to allow it to type in the channel for the following permissions: Manage Channels, Embed Links, and Send Messages.

Last updated